Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Fish Story With a Different Twist

A year and a half earlier my loving DH had given me a little goldfish for my graduation (WLU MBA). We called him Smarty Pants (Spee for short). God love him he made it through a number of traumatic events in his little life - our vacations, baby being born - where we would forget to feed him for periods of time. Poor little guy. This was supposed to be one of our initial "tests" into parenthood. Oh dear - perhaps if he could have been able to talk he would still be with us today.

So I started back to work in early November after 7.5 months of Mat leave and my husband took over the full time child rearing role for the remainder of the year. It was a BIG deal going back to work and I admit some things got put to the back burner until I made the transition. Well, poor Spee, I only just noticed his absence last week. Uncertain of how long Spee had had been gone - I asked my husband what happened him. I of course was a little embarassed to have to ask and was very worried about what the response would be and even more worried how much teasing I would take over the event. He passed away one week after I started back to work - THREE AND A HALF MONTHS later I notice. Good Lord. Where was my head.

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