Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Renewed my relationship with the scale

I know that WW recommends a once-a-week weigh in so I had put the scale away for a while but I pulled it back out last week. I find I stay on track better when I check-in mid-week to see what's going on (or not going on for that matter). This morning it showed I down a pound! Which puts me at .2 away from pre-pregnancy weight... YAY!

I ventured into the spare room to try on clothes. I do this once every couple of weeks. I try on clothes that I was wearing the summer I got pregnant. They fit. I think they are still in style! Now I just need the warmer weather to hit so I can actually wear them outside.

My little girl had a very restless sleep last night. I'm not sure what was the cause. She has 8 teeth at various stages of coming in but they are all through the gum and teething for her other 8 teeth was really a non-event. I wonder if she is coming down with something or perhaps she just had an off night... we all have them!

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